Has It Really Been Three Days?
So there I was thinking to myself "self, why don't you go do a blog?" And upon answering to myself I found that it's my duty to inform you of my events. It's my duty to fill out my web log give you the information you so longingly desire. However for those of you who really don't give a darn, I apologize in advance for the info I'm about to type.
Since I last blogged I've gone through two finals and the last full day of school I'll ever have. It's exciting to think that I'm about to become an active member of society. Yet, I still don't even have a drivers permit. It's sad when you think about it. Almost old enough to join the Army and if I did, I wouldn't be able to drive. In any case I plan on getting my permit on Wednesday. I also went and saw The Day After Tomorrow last night. It's got all the suspense and Action that the independence day movies has but it lacks in story and anything else that a movie should have. Not to mention that Harrison Ford should have played Dennis Quaid's part. (also before you go see this movie keep in mind that there is a scene in which the main character runs from frost and then narrowly escapes it by closing the door. How the frost was stopped by this magical door, no one will ever know.) So I guess now y'all know how my lat couple of days have been. Hope you all have a great weekend, and remember to keep your eyes on Jesus.
Pig Dog