Spitting Into The Wind

When you don't learn from your mistakes, you're just wasting your time...

Friday, April 29, 2005

Don't Cry I'm Here...

Well, to much of everybody's dismay, I've blogged less in the last few months than I probably should have. However, I've returned. Yes let the crowds cheer and the babies cry and so forth as the once famed king of Blogger has returned in all his humility. Har dee har har...All of you who hate me, probably won't read this so there's no reason to mention you. Anyways, look forward to many more blogging expeditions starring me...Geoff The Humble.

Got questions about any doctrine, rumour, religious zealot fundamentalist groups etc.? Check out www.gotquestions.org where all your Bible Questions are answered using the Word of God.

Hallelujah, HE REIGNS!!!

God Bless-

Post Script: That website really is cool, you ought to check it out...oh also check out Keri's new sweet blog...she's in my comments (I will make a link when I figure out how)


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