At the Library, At School...Oh What Memories.
It's been a fair number of hours since I last wrote on my blog. Like 15 or somethng like that. However I know that if I am to continually inform a group of uninterested readers on what's been going on in my head, I must continue, I must go on. I have to stand for the little guy, even if it takes me a whole life of blogging, my message will get out! My voice will be heard by three or four voluntary individuals. So todays topic will be on the fairly irritating incorrect use of the word good in place of the word well.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am a bit of a stiickler when it comes to correct grammer. And more and frequently I am being reminded that I am a member of a dying breed. But there is some gramatical degreedation I cannot allow to continue anymore. The adjective "good" is being , more often than not I might add, used in place of the adverb well. And this I can not tolerate anymore. For instance "We did good on our exam"..."Did" is clearly the past tense form of the verb "to do" and therefore clearly not a noun. By definition an adjective describes a noun. So in place of the adjective "good" one needs to use a word that describes a verb. Words tat describe a verb are known as adverbs and should not be used with nouns. So in place of the adj. good one should use the adv. well when describing a verb or action. So lets not be lazy people. Remember good grammer is well on its way to extinction, and only you can put out forest fires.
Likewise, I've noted that there has been a lack of comments on my blog. Not that I care, simply I'd like to point out that the random typings of a man such as myself where in no one reads them are comparable to the incessant ramblings of a mad man. Therefore I am quite mad.
Tomorrow, we'll discuss the litter surrounding the post pubescent childhood dream, and other such phenomenah.
Adios, Goodbye, Adieu
-Pig Dog-
In regard to the post. Not the previous comment. Raise your hand if you care. Who really gives a rip how you say it or spell it. In an informal setting like a blog or casual conversation just get your point across and lets all hush up about whether or not it is done perfectly. Yes, in a formal setting it is apropriate to be more well conducted in how we spell thing and the grammer. But we live in a fallen world and we use an imperfect language. Lets not go trying to pull the speck out of another's eye when you have a plank (your spelling, your diction, your syntax and your tone) in your own eye. ---I'm not claiming to be have good grammer, diction, syntax, or tone or anything what so ever.---
/\ Woa man! Seems I've gotten everybody excited with this post. Mr. or Mrs. Or Ms. Anonymous, I'm sorry if I've offeneded you.
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