Spitting Into The Wind

When you don't learn from your mistakes, you're just wasting your time...

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Who's that crawling up my wall? It Borris the spider...

So this is the second one today, also being written immediately after it's predessesor, and I would like to make the not so serious blog now. This is the counterpart to what I wrote earlier. I was recently at a local Jack in the Box when a young woman came out of the restroom facility, clearly marked "Women" and came toward me. I was at that time waiting for my ultimate bacon cheeseburger and large fry, and she began to speak to me. She smiled and said "Do you need to use the restroom? It's open now." Clearly I thought she must be mad for she came out of the woman's facility. "No," I said "I'm just waiting for my food." Then she smiled and made a slight squeaky sound and said "My friend's in the men's room and he wasn't feeling well, so I'm sure he'll be in there for a while, and when he does come out you're not going to want to be in there." I nodded and said "No, I'm just waiting for my food." Then she made the squeaky sound again which I later concluded was her laugh. She stretched and said, "I love how Reno is such a small town, that wherever you go you meet someone you know." I nodded and said "I don't know you, I'm just waiting for my food." Then there was more squeaking..."I know I don't know you, but I bet we'll meet again." She grinned. Then despite every ounce of resolve in my body, I asked her her name and offered my hand. Though I don't remember it, I know that I gave her mine. After I finally got my food and prepared the long journey back to my office,(which is right across the street, so I simply walked there) she followed me, leaving her "friend" in the men's restroom. I thought it rude to remind her of this and so I let her follow me back to my office while she bantered and raved about this close friend whom she had just left in the restroom. Then as if the very trumpets of heaven sounded and I was near my office the gentlemen friend of hers stepped from the Jack in the Box entrance, and beckoned her to him. I nearly asked for a phone number, but quickly realized that every girl I have ever gone out with has turned out to be psycho. This can be blamed on one of two things. One that all women are genetically identical in that they are psycho, or two (which is the more likely) that I have been choosing the wrong type of girls. Leaving her and all the memories behind I returned to my office and worked the rest of the day. Now in these latter days I have often thought of how her and i could have some day had crazy little mutant babies and lived a life of pure and intolerable craziness.
The moral of this story is, if a crazy girl comes out of the girls bathroom and offers it to you, it would be easier to force a pee rather than try and stop a conversation with such.
-Pig Dog-
P.S. This IS a true story!


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